Nonsense Technologies II
Solo Exhibition together with Przemysław Jasielski
MOCAK, Museum of Contemporary Art Krakow, POL, 2018
Funded by
The Austrian Federal Chancellery,
Office of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria,
Art & Cultural Affairs Federal Ministry
Images by
Julia Gaisbacher
Project website:
products, smart devices and apps increasingly offer technological assistance
for problems they’ve created for their own sake.
Solutionism* at its best. Technology has thus ceased to be an extension of the limited body of its users or the simplification of an action or situation by means of a technical tool. It has become instead a technocratic end in itself. As technology increasingly penetrates everyday life, the focus of some technologies appears to be less the support, but more the regulation of their users.
Simultaneously, the omnipresence of devices, automated processes and electronic infrastructures are resulting in a habituation of the selfsame technological realm. Like an everyday commodity, high-tech is blindly used and energy carelessly consumed in manifold forms, while the marketing slogans of the green and smart tech branches promise highly efficient clean energy. But whether this energy should be used at all is never questioned. In the series NONSENSE TECHNOLOGIES, Rainer Prohaska, in part in collaboration with the polish artist Przemysław Jasielski, ironically examines and questions the contemporary value of technology and society’s accompanying energy consumption.
The artists call humorously into question the unconditional gullibility consumers have in technology. Belief in the order of scientific theorems is reversed. Meriting no trust, the artists’ machines develop an unpredictable life of their own, while the technology and principles of physics therein become a means to an end – to purposefully serve no purpose.
Neil Postman describes our contemporary reality as technopoly. By this, Postman means a society in which technology has advanced so far that individuals are no longer able even to imagine other more traditional styles of living, much less return to them.Technopoly has an influence on society’s conception of religion, art, family, politics and history. And quickly, society transforms into a totalitarian technocracy.
These omnipresent yet hardly perceived phenomena are the focus of this series by Rainer Prohaska and Przemysław Jasielski.
Solutionism* at its best. Technology has thus ceased to be an extension of the limited body of its users or the simplification of an action or situation by means of a technical tool. It has become instead a technocratic end in itself. As technology increasingly penetrates everyday life, the focus of some technologies appears to be less the support, but more the regulation of their users.
Simultaneously, the omnipresence of devices, automated processes and electronic infrastructures are resulting in a habituation of the selfsame technological realm. Like an everyday commodity, high-tech is blindly used and energy carelessly consumed in manifold forms, while the marketing slogans of the green and smart tech branches promise highly efficient clean energy. But whether this energy should be used at all is never questioned. In the series NONSENSE TECHNOLOGIES, Rainer Prohaska, in part in collaboration with the polish artist Przemysław Jasielski, ironically examines and questions the contemporary value of technology and society’s accompanying energy consumption.
The artists call humorously into question the unconditional gullibility consumers have in technology. Belief in the order of scientific theorems is reversed. Meriting no trust, the artists’ machines develop an unpredictable life of their own, while the technology and principles of physics therein become a means to an end – to purposefully serve no purpose.
Neil Postman describes our contemporary reality as technopoly. By this, Postman means a society in which technology has advanced so far that individuals are no longer able even to imagine other more traditional styles of living, much less return to them.Technopoly has an influence on society’s conception of religion, art, family, politics and history. And quickly, society transforms into a totalitarian technocracy.
These omnipresent yet hardly perceived phenomena are the focus of this series by Rainer Prohaska and Przemysław Jasielski.