Yellow Protection

Installation, Public Space, 2024

Nordwestbahnhof, Vienna
As part of Klima Biennale Wien

Funded by
The Austrian Federal Chancellery

After various artists from Prohaska's collective had carried out various experiments in this sector of the 'Klima Biennale Wien' on topics such as agricultural systematics, future mobility concepts and the establishment of autonomous zones, Rainer Prohaska showed an installation entitled 'YELLOW PROTECTION' in the area of the 'Kleines Wäldchen' at the Nordwestbahnhof during the last month of the 'Klima Biennale Wien'.

The planned installation dealed with concepts of the separation of man and nature, which are familiar from the colloquial language through terms such as 'back to nature' (have we ever been away from nature?) or 'nature protection' (who is to be protected from whom?), but whose actual meaning receives too little attention, as this is counterproductive for an ecological and humane future.

From a current perspective of sustainable strategies for a stable humanoid existence, such ideas of separation should be viewed critically. Since humanity has mentally distanced itself from the 'surrounding world', there is an obvious lack of holistic, synergetic approaches to existence.